Thursday 1 June 2017

7 things I do daily to ensure a better future for myself and my family

1. Morning routine. Start with health and set myself up to win. I have a daily goal and make sure it is part of my bigger vision.

2. Move the body. Full motion and mobility will keep you healthy and well. I do exercises that focus on alignment (balance), flexibility and strength.

3. Recharge the “battery”. I either take a 10-15min nap or do breathing meditation mid-day (usually around 2pm).

4. Invest mindfully. The definition of investment to me is allocating my resources (time, energy, money) mindfully to improve the quality of life for me and my family. For instance, I invest my money into valuable products, programs, and services that will move me forward toward one of my goals. Whether it is health related or professional growth, I ask the question "Will this investment add value to my life in a meaningful way?".

5. Grow your mind. It’s important to challenge the status quo and ask more quality questions. To seek out the answers, I read books, listen to podcasts or reach out to potential teachers/mentors.

6. Be of service to others. The simple equation is- when you add tremendous value to people’s lives, you add tremendous value and fulfillment to yours.

7. Take Action (speed of implementation). Procrastination is the enemy. It’s no surprise that high achievers are action oriented. You need to take action to bring about (manifest) what you think about.

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