Monday 16 January 2017

Why I like Gymnastics Strength Training developed by Coach Sommer

"Gymnastics Strength Training is a system of exercise which utilizes the body's own resistance to build world class levels of strength, power, agility, balance and mobility."

GymnasticBodies program is not only proven successful with elite athletes but with adult fitness populations that are beginners and wish to make a real change in their bodies. This gives you and I hope. The purpose of the program is to help you develop strong core, make you lean and evenly muscular, and have powerful mobility. Like practical Stoicism where daily consistent practice is key to your success, GymnasticBodies program requires learning through consistent work and training to see incredible gains. Most beginners can master the core curriculum in 3-4 years, and you can begin today with the 4 week GB Fundamentals Online Course to make sure you start out correctly in your Gymnastic Strength Training journey.

To learn more about the program from Coach Sommer, listen to the interview on, The Tim Ferris Show below:



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