Tuesday 13 December 2016

Step back into the flow of abundance

What separates the "Great" from the "Good"? The great are consistently focused and on purpose. The good get comfortable and distracted. The great do things right and do good things. The good may cut corners which often leads to backlash.
Have you been disappointed, dissatisfied or unhappy the last few months with your work performance (eg. property agent missing his/her targets, or an athlete unable to beat the opponent they did in the past with ease)? Do you find your current situation unacceptable? First thing to do is, "Don't Worry, Be Happy". This worldwide hit song by Bobby McFerrin reminds us that worrying about it is not going to turn the situation around, but 1 degree of change or even that slight mental pivot, could lead to stellar results. Many good people get comfortable and to various degrees, step into the stream of distraction. Have time for awareness and mindfulness so you can easily modulate the weighting of this distraction in your life, and quickly step back into the flow of abundance again where certainty, clarity, confidence and excellence resides. 

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