Chronic worrying and fear can be very destructive to ourselves and others around us. That's why there is "nothing to fear but fear itself", because of the damage and chaos it creates. It would be much more productive to immediately shift your focus from what you are worried about to spending your resources, energy and time on the things you have control. This will put you in a more favorable position and increase the chance of achieving the desired outcome or goal, eliminating fear in the process.
Check out the short clip created by Goalcast by clicking on the link below
Will Smith - Face your fears
If you are forced to work more, drifting further away from spending time with your family, so you can acquire more money to pay for the things (luxury) you can do without- then many miseries and anxieties will follow. If you have wealth- good! But the truth is, we can still be happy with very little and live well, without becoming slaves to luxury, depending on it or becoming addicted to it.
During our lifetime, we are bound to experience obstacles that get in our way or subjected to conditions and situations that are imperfect. What will you think and do? Wait for a perfect setup, make it excuses for not getting the important job done, or have a victim-mindset and constantly complain about your new problem? Alternatively, you can respond to this challenging situation like a stoic, by taking it as an opportunity to learn and find a way to make it work regardless of the circumstances. Become pragmatic and adaptable.
We humans, have a higher obligation- to be of service and render work for the common good. This is our natural purpose. This is why we naturally feel a sense of great satisfaction and fulfillment when we get to help our family, another person, the society, and the country. Although we are literally just a tiny speck in the universe, each of us have the potential power to make a significant difference to the world we live in.
A speaker at a conference once said, "contradiction leads to destruction. The level of destruction is proportionate to the level of contradiction." Does your behavior and actions align with your words- the values you claim to care about?
If you say you value and care about health, but haven't exercised for decades, then...
If you say you value financial security, but like to do more shopping rather than saving and investing, then...
I think you can guess the 'destructive' outcome in the above examples that I'm sure we can all relate to.
However, being congruent with your values will ultimately lead to a happier and more fulfilled life. You can't put a price on that!
An overconfident person tends to create bad habits like skipping the basic lessons and ignoring the fundamentals. This often leads to him falling flat on his face with embarrassment and shame or making a costly mistake. The person who learn with humility often has his full potential realized. Learn everything you can, train and grow- be it mastering a new exercise routine, being an effective communicator, or investing.