The reason why we get stressed or upset is because we try to control the things that we can't control rather than focusing on the things we can.
Let's say your definition of 'happiness' is- you are happy when things or life events that unfold hits your expectation but unhappy when it misses your expectation. This implies that your happiness is cheap because it doesn't require much effort to be taken away from you by a life situation that's not in your control.
You expected great service at the 5 star hotel, but received hardly any attention much less a smile- you are unhappy. You expected a nice room but not only did you get a nice room, but you got an upgrade to the presidential suite- you are happy. You expected hot water in the shower, but you get only cold- you are unhappy. Your feelings and emotions, going up and down like a yo-yo being controlled by your environment rather being guided by your ability to focus and control your mind and thoughts about it.
The comedian, Kyle Cease said- "the only way we're hurt is not that someone broke our heart but broke our expectations." Does this mean we should lower our expectations or don't have one to begin with? I know that letting go of expectations is difficult because we've been conditioned to control everything but there is also a world of possibilities when we move with the music and embrace the unknown.