When you look at the high-achievers in this world be it in sports or in business, study their mindset. Winning begins with mindset.
'I'm going to be #1...'
'I'm going there to win not just any medal, but to win a gold medal...'
'I'm going to make an indelible impact...'
'I'm going to solve a problem that can affect the quality of lives of more than a billion people...'
...and so on.
They have amazing clarity, discipline and focus. They are hungry to 'win' regardless of major setbacks, the pain of training, oppositions and against all odds. They never give up on the single thing they can fully control- their mindset. It is amazing to observe the things that our physical body is capable if our mind is fully behind it.
Below is a link of a touching story of an Olympian, that shows just how important and powerful mindset is;